Iris Catholique
Thaidene Nëné Manager |
Steve Ellis
Senior Advisor |
Sunrise Lockhart
Ni Hat'ni Dene Coordinator |
Adrian Nataway
Guardian, Ni Hat'ni Dene |
Tanner Catholique
Guardian, Ni Hat'ni Dene |
Steven Nitah
Lead Negotiator |
Stephen Ellis
Assistant Negotiator |
Larry Innes
Legal Counsel |
Charlie Catholique
Archie Catholique
VISIONWe are the Lutsel K’e Dene First Nation. Our vision for Thaidene Nëné is:
Nuwe néné, nuwe ch'anıé yunedhé xa (Our land, our culture for the future). We’re working with our partners to permanently protect Thaidene Nëné—part of our huge and bountiful homeland around and beyond the East Arm of Tu Nedhé. |