Beyond Targets (2022)In this report, WWF presents a new model for establishing protected areas that helps meet biodiversity and climate goals in an ethical and rights-driven way. The report highlights four Indigenous and protected conserved areas (IPCAs) including Thaidene Nëné.
Thaidene Nëné National Park Reserve Climate Summary (2021)
This climate summary, which was produced in collaboration with the Canadian Centre for Climate Services (CCCS), informs and supports adaptation planning in the Thaidene Nëné National Park Reserve.
Building on Nature: Area-based Conservation as a Key Tool for Delivering SDGs (2021)The Thaidene Nëné Indigenous Protected Area is a case study in the chapter of Building on Nature that demonstrates how protected and conserved areas can reduce inequality.
"These Trees Have Stories to Tell" (2021)In this journal article, a collaboration between the Łutsël K’é Dene First Nation and the University of Alberta, the analysis of tree roots by scientists from U of A confirms what our Elders and harvesters have observed about the shifting migration patterns of ɂetthën (caribou) in recent decades.
Indigenous Conservation Agreements in Canada (2021)This report from MakeWay and The Firelight Group reviews six Indigenous conservation agreements, including ours, to identify best practices. They include maintaining harvesting rights, creating opportunities for self-determination, and developing a long-term, relationship-based approach.
Canada's Net Zero Future (2021)This report by the Canadian Institute for Climate Choices recognizes the Łutsël K’é Dene First Nation for our work in protecting our homeland and creating the Thaidene Nëné Indigenous Protected Area in partnership with Parks Canada and the Government of the Northwest Territories.
Impact Report (2019)Read about our decade-long partnership with Nature United in the organization's 2019 Impact Report.
VISIONWe are the Lutsel K’e Dene First Nation. Our vision for Thaidene Nëné is:
Nuwe néné, nuwe ch'anıé yunedhé xa (Our land, our culture for the future). We’re working with our partners to permanently protect Thaidene Nëné—part of our huge and bountiful homeland around and beyond the East Arm of Tu Nedhé. |